Lazy Days and The Importance of Rest

5 min read

Last Modified 9 August 2022 First Added 8 August 2022

By Sophia Rimmer

We all need a rest sometimes. Whether it be from the chaos of family life, the 9 – 5 work life or maybe you’re just feeling under the weather – we all long for a lazy day. So, grab your duvet and plonk yourself on the sofa as we share how to enjoy a rest day and why you need one.

Rest definition:

1. cease work or movement in order to relax, sleep, or recover strength.
  – Oxford Languages

Why is rest important?

Rest is essential for our mental health, it allows us to de-stress and in turn, makes us feel happy. Along with this it also improves our concentration, memory, immune system, and metabolism.

When there is so much going on in our lives, we often ignore rest but it’s really important. Sometimes we just need to enjoy the benefits of sleep, recharge our batteries, and have a duvet day. You’ll feel energised in the morning.


Woman lay on sofa

National Lazy Day

On August 10th, every year, it’s National Lazy Day. It’s a whole day dedicated to rest. And one where we should not feel guilty about being a couch potato. Clear your calendar and plan some ‘me’ time because, on this day, we are doing what we deserve… relaxing!

The benefits of having a lazy day

Rolling out of bed at noon with messy hair and our favourite TV series on in the background – it’s our most treasured type of day. Here are some more reasons why it’s important to unplug and have a lazy every once in a while.

1. It invigorates your body

After a hectic week, whether that be running around after the kids, at work or running errands, your body may feel tired. It is at this very moment when you need some time to slow down. When you spend the day relaxing, your body has the chance to remove excess lactate from your muscles, replenish energy stores and reduce muscle fatigue. This will aid any muscle pain and soreness you may have.

2. It's good for your brain

Do you often sleep seven to eight hours and wake up feeling as though you have never been to bed? We understand the feeling. You may just need a mental rest. As we lay in bed or on the couch all day watching Netflix or enjoying a good book, it allows us to switch off.  Just like your body, your brain needs a break too.

3. It allows you to be creative

Lazy days are the perfect opportunity to think about new projects. When we have nothing to do and detach ourselves from our daily routine our minds can wander. This is when we can get creative. Whether that be designing your next DIY job, an adventure to that place you’ve been meaning to visit or simply, your next rest day.

4. You can spend time with your loved ones

Do you long for a catch-up with your nearest and dearest? A coffee with your best friend and quality time with your family or partner. A lazy day gives you chance to invite your loved ones around for a much-needed catch-up. Put the kettle on and have a good natter.

5. It's fun!

Believe it or not, having fun can help you to de-stress from life’s worries. And this means that when you’re faced with an overwhelming situation, you’ll be able to call on feelings of calm. Sometimes all you need is a day to binge a series, sing along to some cheesy music and order a scrumptious pizza.

6. It helps you to catch up on some zzzs

Sleep matters. We all know that. But how much do you prioritise it? We all deserve a rest after a long week, a chance to catch up on our sleep-dept. So, treat yourself to a lazy day and make sure you get enough slumber.

Man asleep with dog

How to enjoy a lazy day

Take a pause, unwind, and let your mind wander. For some of us, the concept of rest days may be unfamiliar. Those who love constantly being on the move may struggle to switch off. Let us share our ideas on how to spend your day so you can escape the stresses of life and love the comforts of your home.

1. Have a lie in

Turn your alarm clock off, they are not welcome on lazy days. Let yourself sleep for as long as you need to. And if that is until 2 pm then so be it.

2. Wear your comfiest pj's

When you’re lazing around the house, comfort is key. Whether you want to wear loungewear, a dressing gown, or some pyjamas – forget what you look like. It doesn’t matter.

3. Switch off your mobile

We’re all guilty of scrolling through social media at every given opportunity. On your rest days, try to detach yourself from your phone and unwind. The more distractions you eliminate from around you, the more chance you’ll get to clear your mind.

4. Listen to music, watch TV, and read books

Think of the activities you enjoy most. You know, the ones you don’t usually get time to appreciate. From chick flicks to action-packed movies, cliffhanger novels and feel-good music – sit back, relax, and enjoy your day!

5. Order comfort food

Think pizza, chocolate treats and popcorn. A lazy day wouldn’t be a lazy day if you didn’t indulge in your favourite foods. You could even dig out a mixing bowl and bake your own goodies. Baking is a great way to unwind and makes your home smell delicious. The smell of homemade cookies is just heavenly.

Couple eating pizza in bed

Pick up a pen and schedule a very important lazy day on your calendar. You can thank us later.


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