Born from NASA technology and perfected for sleep.
Expected delivery time
When you purchase this item, a delivery date won’t be readily available, but we’re estimating that delivery will be 12-16 weeks.
Dependent on delivery postcode
Why choose this footstool?
Complete your perfect suite with the stunning Vicenza Ottoman Footstool. A wonderful place to perch, put your feet up or pack away blankets, cushions and more, it's a versatile and stylish addition to your home. Finished in super soft velvet-touch fabric, it's available in striking teal or warm mustard tones to suit your style.
For a cohesive look, pair this piece with our matching Vicenza Sofa Bed and Chair.
Shop our exclusive sofa bed collection and check out our sofa bed buying guide for more information.
Additional information:
For your peace of mind, our Bedcover Service Plan lets you rest easy about the looks, comfort and performance of your new mattress, bed or furniture with cover of up to 8 years.