The Best Morning Routine to Start Your Day

4 min read

Last Modified 22 July 2022 First Added 13 March 2015

By Brett Janes

The crazy morning rush

According to a survey by Allianz Insurance 27% of parents find it hard to get their children out of bed in the morning and 42% say that being in a rush is their biggest school-run worry. The results show that the average morning routine of a British family takes 75 minutes. Here are some of the activities this includes with the average times they take:

  • Getting kids out of bed: 9 minutes
  • Having a shower: 9.3 minutes
  • Having a bath:19.5 minutes
  • Getting kids dressed: 10 minutes
  • Making breakfast: 10 minutes
  • Helping with homework: 11 minutes
  • Getting the car ready: 8 minutes
  • Getting in the car: 7 minutes
  • The school run: 12 minutes
  • Dropping kids off: 8 minutes
Your perfect morning routine is one that works best for you and leaves you feeling joyous about your day. We understand the journey from your pillow to your working day is an epic one, especially if you have a family to wake up with you. Whether you’re a morning person or not, here are our best morning routine tips.
woman stretching in bed

Step 1: Getting out of bed

The NHS recommends that adults need 7-9 hours of sleep per night. Children need 9-13 hours of sleep. Whereas toddlers and babies need 12-17 hours of slumber to help them develop. Make sure everyone in your household gets enough shut-eye so they wake up feeling refreshed (and not grumpy!). You’ll need to put a bedtime routine in place and if you can’t wake up naturally, set an alarm clock.


Step 2: Using the bathroom

If you have a big family, you may find yourself waiting in line for the bathroom every morning, huffing and puffing as you watch the clock. To make your mornings more time-efficient, you can design a bathroom timetable. For your little ones, include a getting-ready checklist with tasks such as brushing teeth, combing hair, and washing your face.

Step 3: Plan a breakfast menu

We’re all guilty of skipping breakfast because we just don’t have enough time. To avoid the 10 am stomach rumble, draw up a weekly breakfast menu for the family – stick to simple items such as cereal and toast. To save even more time, make sure you get the food and crockery ready the night before. And for the mornings when nothing seems to be going to plan, keep a supply of healthy on-the-go snacks, such as fruit and breakfast bars.
Woman sorting washing

Step 4: Getting dressed

We’ve all experienced the nightmare of finding something to wear in the morning when nothing seems to fit right. To avoid panic, you should plan ahead of time and prepare your outfit for the next day the night before. Always ensure your washing is up to date and check the weather forecast to help you plan suitable clothing. Next, lay out your outfit in your bedroom so you have everything you need when it’s time to get dressed in the morning.

Mum packing lunch with kids

Step 5: Preparing lunch

Prepare packed lunches the night before to save precious time in the morning. A healthy lunchbox should contain starchy foods such as pasta or rice, protein such as eggs, meat or fish, dairy such as yoghurt or cheese and vegetables or fruit to help you get your five a day. And if you need some lunch inspiration, some of our favourites include a chicken salad with strawberry yoghurt and banana. Or a ham and cheese sandwich with a crunchy apple – simple, yet delicious.

Step 6: Preparing bags

Whether you need to pack your kid’s school bags, your work bag, or maybe your gym bag – do it the night before. How many times have you gotten halfway to where you need to be and realised you left something on the kitchen counter? We’ve all done it. To avoid it, try and keep a schedule of activities so you know which items you and your family will need. And always keep this in mind when you’re packing bags in the evening.

Step 7: Getting out the door

16% of people are late for work at least once a week, does this sound like you? Make sure you get out of the house on time in the morning by leaving items such as your car keys, phone, and purse in the same place every day. Always choose a designated area by the door to place bags and shoes for a speedy exit. And, put a checklist on the door to make sure you don’t forget any essentials.

The best morning routine is one that leaves you feeling calm. If you plan ahead, stick to a morning routine, and prepare as much as you can the night before, everything will run as smoothly as possible. You can follow our morning routine cheat sheet in the infographic below to help you achieve a stress-free start to your day. Say goodbye to the chaos, and hello to calm mornings.

The morning routine cheat sheet [Infographic]

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